Thursdays are for Spinning

2014-01-23 11.56.19

The alpaca/wool blend is finally finished!  Well, the singles are finished.  I have never plyed before so I’m going to let these sit for awhile before decided what to do with them.  The quality and thickness of the yarn also varies quite a bit from the first ball to the last, which makes sense given this is some of my first spinning.  At least the spun-up thread takes up much less space than the fibre.  Turns out Knightley is also interested in spinning….

2014-01-23 10.22.32


I couldn’t get a non-blurry picture of him actually batting at the spindle since I was spinning with my other hand, but he was quite intrigued.  Luckily he didn’t actually try to jump on the spindle or anything, just batted at it a few times and then gave up.  It was quite charming.

Next week: spinning that is not brown!  I’m going to try for a thinner, more consistent yarn so that I can ply it into something usable.  Hopefully the merino is a little easier to spin worsted like this than the alpaca  (I think this is worsted…I’m going to have to go over my spinning notes again).  I love this regular spinning date, it has made a big difference.  Turns out practice actually works!  Who knew?

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